We have faith in modern contemporary silver jewellery which goes along with our tradition. Silver and gold are two very loved metals for everyone, where they are equally beautiful and different from each other. Yes, it is true that Gold gets the most value when it comes to exquisite metals but silver has also been a very important part of our history. Now silver has more demand in the jewellery industry, it has also gained popularity through utensils, medicines etc. In recent times because of the change in fashion people started preferring to wear more of bold and ethnic which can only be styled silver. Silver is versatile, demanding and timeless, and this beautiful alloy has earned its place more than any of the most beautiful precious metals.
Here are few reasons to mention why
Affordability is very important. Finding something nice gold at an affordable rate has a very small chance whereas silver is easily available at an affordable rate which goes well with everything. Silver is incredibly durable and strong so you know you can give one this valentine ;)
Maintaining silver jewellery is much easier than gold. It is durable, stronger and lighter than gold and you can easily wear them for hours and carry it elegantly. Wearing Gold for hours can irritate the skin but in silver it is super comfortable.
Safety is one big factor for jewellery. Silver can be simply kept in traditional cases and may be worn on an everyday basis whereas we usually keep gold in lockers and highly secured boxes and get the chance to wear it only occasionally. You can buy one now without worrying!
Keeping up with the trends gets easier and the versatility is incredible in silver.Women like to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Gold is not flexible in keeping up with trends because it does not fulfil customer demands whereas silver does. The trend is now all about being comfortable and getting to wear something unique and light weighted at the same time. Silver goes with each and every outfit and it also boosts up the fashion trends as well.
Lastly, endless options!
Because silver itself is a soft metal, that's how it is easy for jewels to experiment with it — which leads us to new designs every time. There are millions of designs which are different and unique from one another. With every small customisation and information it gets unique.
Also, #Did you know Sterling silver can be recycled?
Very few people might know that sterling silver can actually be recycled. The best part about this is that zero purity is lost during the extraction which means the original and the new jewellery are the same
Purchasing Silver Jewellery instead of gold Jewellery is more convenient now. So, what are you waiting for? You can check out our new collection for this valentine. Get your hands on our jewellery and gift it to your loved ones at a very affordable price. Happy Shopping! :)